The Winter Vision Quest and the Power of Deep Listening

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The Winter Vision Quest is a time of deep reflection and heart felt listening.

Listening to your deepest desires

Listening to your deepest pain

Listening to your deepest potential

When we answer the call to sit in the wilds and listen we begin to feel what is truly within us.


Within our deep desire

Within our deep power

Within our deep distortions

Over 4 days and nights we dance within stillness. We dance within the cold power of wild silence.

Over 4 days and nights we live nestled close to the power of the earth. Touching the possibility that she is our greatest ally, our greatest guide.

The birds, the wind, the water, the clouds, the sun, the dirt, the cold dark of night all become a pure reflection of our inner landscape. Through this pure reflection we are gifted with an intimate knowing of who we are and why we are here.

Vision comes to life and we can see.


Join us in June as we use the power of the Winter Quest to transform and heal our lives.

23rd - 30th June

Glenreagh, Northern NSW, Australia

In Connection,



Kate Rydge

Nature Philosophy Co-Founder



EVERY ONE seems to desire to feel spiritually powerful these days!


A Game Changing Event - Tom Brown Jr on Australian Soil