Nature Philosophy Blog

Katie Rydge Katie Rydge

A Survival Skill That Changes Everything

There are few things more humbling than trying to make fire with your own hands. It looks simple—two pieces of wood, a bit of friction, and suddenly you have heat, warmth, survival.

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Katie Rydge Katie Rydge

Why I Hunt: A Journey of Strength and Connection

This is something I have thought about quite seriously: Why do I hunt?

At first, it was all about sourcing my own meat and survival. It felt deeply rewarding to sit down to a meal, knowing the animal meat my family was enjoying was sourced from the wild, a direct result of my success as an ethical bow hunter.

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Julia Greacen Julia Greacen

Storytelling Competition WINNER

Imagine a place so real that when you are there, nothing else can exist.

And if you could imagine for just a minute, in this place, unleashing yourself from the fears that hold your mask in place, hiding your truest self from the world…

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Julia Greacen Julia Greacen


There is an infinite amount of hope in this world, if you can see it…

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