
I've always marvelled at my kid's ability to just throw themselves into the natural world.

Kids in general when left to play in a natural environment are so free, happy and creative. They don't need external stimulation to guide their play and they definitely don't need devices.

Their deep inner reservoir of playful creativity just seems to burst up from within them and carry them into one adventure after another. When my kids play like this they end the day genuinely sleepy, deeply nourished and are satisfied down to their bones.

Opportunities for kids to play freely in nature is essential for their well being.  Nature play helps kids learn about risk, physical strength, coordination, group dynamics and connection to each other and to land.  It brings them into communication through close physical contact with nature's elements and the source of their life. When my kids spend time in deep connection with nature they feel safe and like they belong.

We know it's good for kids, but what about adults? What about giving adults a chance to explore the freeing power of nature play?

I often strive to reignite this passion for play in the adults that join our Wild Village Family and Nature One Programs. So often we allow our kids this playful pleasure but we don't know how to join in...

The last time I did join in with my kid's "wild play" I had the funniest, fun clay ball fight you could imagine. I was falling over laughing the whole time, joking around and making the kids laugh - it was genuinely hilarious and felt amazing!

I just had to let go, jump in and let the flow of play take me.

I would encourage any adult reading this to seek out a beautiful natural environment and let the kids in your life show you how to play.

Kids haven't lost their playful deep nature connection and they can show us as adults how to rediscover ours.

In Connection,
Kate Rydge
Nature Philosophy Co-Founder


A Game Changing Event - Tom Brown Jr on Australian Soil


The Simple Pleasures of Deep Nature Connection