Coronavirus & staying afloat...

Has your world been divided into two realities?

One which is informed by external voices who are currently consumed by the threat of disease, the fear of financial collapse and pandemic…

And another world which is informed by your immediate surroundings. Where your body & soul actually reside, living moment to moment with a subtle inner voice that urges you onto your next destination in your journey.

Living within these two worlds can feel like being adrift in a stormy ocean!

At times like this I always find it incredibly helpful to dive beneath the all-consuming, day to day motion of the human world.

To dive beneath the rolling waves which bring one storm after another.

To dive beneath the often tumultuous and over whelming collective story of human meaning making.

To dive beneath the place where I can feel helpless and small, unable to control the power of a global vaccine sales pitch.

Sometimes it’s a bird call that pierces through my mind’s incessant thoughts.

Sometimes it’s a glimmer of sunshine or a warm breeze that picks up my hair.

Sometimes it feels like the earth herself is reaching out to me, reminding me of what lives deep within her - of another reality that speaks of steady purpose, clear mind and clarity to see life for what it truly is…

I dive into the deep by sitting quietly in nature, listening to the flow through my body.

I dive into the deep by touching plants that bring my whole body to life with the joy of basket making.

I dive into the deep by simply closing my eyes, breathing and allowing the stillness to take me into union with life.

In the simple truth of the deep I have always found an anchor in the chaos of the day. Diving into stillness reveals your inner rightness and this internal authority is at the heart of living life through your personal power.

Aboriginal people respect this part of humanity at all costs. ❤️💛🖤

They act as if this part of a human’s inner landscape is a sacred spring, welling up directly from the source of the cosmic creator.

Countless times I have seen Yolngu people deeply acknowledge, respect and give way to another’s inner rightness.

Countless times I have seen them be very, very careful not to act in any way that takes away the power of a sovereign soul. I still remember talking about this with Sam’s wawa (brother) Mimbrik Guyula and hearing him say with regards to children and humans “When you control it, you stop it learning.” As I see the current explosion of control and fear across the globe I can’t help but think about what we are missing. What we can’t learn because we are letting the external voices, external authorities impact and control how we feel, what we think and how we act.

Of course the Coronavirus illness is very real, as is the panic so many people are feeling about the worst case scenario outcomes.

I also know that the importance it is being given in the media and through the global government system is speaking of a deeper matrix. A matrix that is revealing our collective shadow and dependency on external authority.

A matrix that is holding up a mirror to our inner disconnect from the deep. Our disconnect, inner confusion and ultimately confidence in the intelligence of the life.

I would love to hear your thoughts on these critical questions...

How are you choosing your reality as the Coronavirus spreads?

How do you find your inner stillness?

And how does this inner stillness inform you, transform you and guide you?

In freedom my friend,

Kate Rydge

Nature Philosophy Founder

P.S. To find out more about Deep Nature Connection or working with me reach out at

Nature Philosophy