
There is an infinite amount of hope in this world,
if you can see it.

There is an eternal spring of love and connection,
if you dare to open yourself and feel it.

There is creative light and there is the dark womb of the night.

And in the human world, born from broken and toxic hearts, there is true darkness.

But no matter how powerful the darkness becomes, no matter how broken and hurt your heart might feel…

If you can draw yourself in and embrace the delicate magic of the moment, your pain will cease.

Deep breathing. Space. Safety.

Here in this place through the mystery we can be born again.

Not through the death of your body or mind.

Not through external authorities of any godly proportion.

But through aligning with the inner body of the earthly mother - through creation herself.

Already in every moment it is happening.

Even now as you read this, you are in creation.

Your life, moving, flowing through the bones of an ancient lore.

Feet making contact with the bare ground, now is the time to move and dance.

Get unstuck.

So your eyes can see through the sunlight as it dances through the air and out into creation.

So you can see beyond the never ending jostling waves, deep into the truth of the water.

So you can let go of who you think you are and finally remember.

Remember where you came from.

Remember who and what you really are.

I want to remember.

Why am ‘I’?

I need to remember.

The eternal rightness of these times.

Remember what lies in the deep, beyond the story in the waves.


#light #dark #hope #soul

Written by Kate Rydge, Nature Philosophy Co-Founder

Nature Philosophy