Solstice - The Darkest Day...

The shortest and darkest day of the year is a collective turning point.

Whether you know it or not, this is a time where the celestial cycles draw you close to your centre, with an invitation to examine what you truly hold in your heart.

Your truth, whether it's a heroic story of battle or one of harmony, becomes available to you today.

It's as if our collective exposure to the substance of darkness holds the power to shine a light deep within. 

Can you feel it?

As the body of our Mother turns away from the radiance of the sun it brings the power of the south into every moment.

She is plunging us into the dark.

Her tilt seems to envelop every crevice of my psyche with the unmistakable presence of what we call Solstice.

In my world, the approach of the Winter Solstice here on the East Coast of NSW has felt like a slow, uncompromising king tide of silence.

What have you been feeling?

Is it celebration that is calling you through this time?

Or a yearning for the bare flames of fire, stillness and inner contemplation?

Traditionally the Winter Solstice was a time when our pagan ancestors would gather as a community to honour this descent into darkness, the promise of the sun's rebirth and its life-giving heat.

And, at this point in our history, it does indeed feel like we are in the midst of a global rebirth.

Organic darkness is a potent force in creation.

Aligning to its power is inherently human.

It's what your consciousness is designed to do.

I hope you can stop for a few minutes today or tonight and lean into the beauty and nourishing mystery of the South's organic darkness.

May it sustain your heart's desires and feed your Soul.

In Mystery & Connection,

Kate Rydge

Co-Founder, Nature Philosophy

Nature Philosophy