Can you feel it?

Can you feel it?

I can feel it.

It's a small niggle, in my belly, in my head.


Sometimes I can feel it in the deep void space in my body.

In the silence.

But it's not silent.

It has a voice, even a shape if I pay attention to it.

Sometimes it calls to me as a vibration, an energy.

It's thirsty.


It always wants more – more water, more freedom, more power.

It wants to unfurl itself through me, through my body, through my life.


I know I need to nourish it or risk its ire.

Risk living in pain, risk living as if I am alive but already dead.


It's serious business this soul calling stuff.

It drives everything I do.

It's enveloped everything.


Like 'The Great Nothing' from "The NeverEnding Story".

It constantly brings death to that which is frozen in my internal landscape.


But unlike the great nothing - this force, this desire seems to hold everything within its meaning...

It tempts me like a lover.


Time and time again I am thoroughly seduced with the promise of purpose, power, and wild-sourced wisdom.

The deep embrace of soulful power. Universal union through body-based earth connection.

It's a turn on like no other!

This place is where we craft our programs from.


This place is the true driver of what we offer through our Nature Philosophy programs.

This place is the catalyst for the transformation your soul can touch when you work with us.


It's moving through all of us when we gather on sacred ground.

A comic dance of consciousness, rising up from the deep, seeking to flower into manifest form.


It's seeking to reach you, to reach your awareness.

To weave itself into you.

I know you can feel it, even now as you read these words.  

Can you feel how miraculous this moment really is?

How much of a gift you really are?


That you are loved and safe to fully feel the totality of human creation.

That your body is the vessel for a miracle unfolding from moment to moment.


That your body and consciousness are birthed through the mother.

That to simply return to her is enough.

 To sit in her presence, listening deeply is enough.

This is where the answers reside that you seek.


Try it.

Just for 5 minutes today.

Go on, I dare you!


Just go outside and sit – open yourself fully – like you would with a lover.

 Use your body and open to the land that surrounds you.

Breath deep into your belly and let go.


Breath deep...

And drop into the embrace...

Let me know how you go.

I'll be there with you my friend, in the reverie of such a deep embrace.


With love and Deep Connection,


P.S. Sam and I jumped onto a Fiery Fridays last week to say hey and kick-off 2021 with you.

If you're keen to connect and catch the conversation you can WATCH by clicking this link here... 

P.P.S. At the beginning of 2021, we found we had already booked out a lot of our most popular programs!

So we are in the process of announcing a new 7 Day Sit Spot Challenge, Vision Quest, BARE Weaving, and still have spots in Nature ONE in October.

You can stay tuned to hear more via email or GET A SNEAK PEAK by clicking through to our calendar here...

 Remember, you can always check in with the latest via Facebook or Instagram as an alternative to email.  

Warmly, Kate


Kate Rydge

Nature Philosophy, Co-Founder

Nature Philosophy