A journey of one simple email...

Funny Email Oct 2020 small version.png

I loved getting this email!

To be honest, there's been a few of late.

It’s stayed with me… rummaging around in my mind in a way that I’ve felt called to share more about the journey it took me on.


On one hand it's ironically funny and on the other it speaks to the truth of the great cultural unravelling that is occurring globally.


It speaks to the shift in people's motivation to align with this change, honour the earth and the need to birth new sustainable and wise ways of being into the world. 


It also speaks to that which was set in motion, many months ago when some of the most significant forest ecosystems this world has were burnt to ash on the ground.


In many instances places that we believed would never burn actually did.


In many instances the heat was so intense that once these ecosystems manage to regenerate they will be changed forever.


Sometimes it feels like that same hot heat ripped through our hearts and our culture in the months that followed the fires.


I know you would have felt it too.


This visceral link between you and the heat.


The truth being that whatever is happening to the earth is happening to you also.

If the land is dramatically changing, so are you. 


This will be true whether you know it or not and whether you like it or not.


We are all standing on ground that is bearing witness to the death of many parts of our culture AND simultaneously standing on fertile ground which is birthing into this world.


It's a phenomenal time to be alive!


It's messy and oh so fucking human.


To make sense of it all I have had to dance with my belief in a greater intelligence resting at the heart of it all. 


I've had to make peace with the pain and grief of what we have lost and how we are showing up in the world.


It’s once again felt like I have had my hand forced to forge a new relationship with my inner landscape and this greater intelligence, this mysterious force. 


First Nations People often call it ‘The Great Mystery’. Such an apt description!


As humans I don’t believe we even have the software to comprehend the bigness of it all.  


You only have to look at a clear night sky and dream into the spiral arms of the Milky Way Galaxy to drop off the edge of existence and feel thrust into how insignificant the human world really is in the totality of life.


Ah… The Great Mystery.


Over the years this part of life that is intelligent and conscious has become something I can sense.


As if it has a presence all to its own which rests at the edge of the fabric of reality.


I find myself in moments where time seems to stand still and yet life continues to move and pulse all around me and through me.


It happens in fragments here and there.


Fragments of meaning that feel like instinct.


Instinct that tells me I am on track with my spiritual task.


It happens at our programs when the thriving hum of our Wild Village families break through layers of individual self and merge into the collective communal experience.


It’s contained in the music I hear at our BARE Weaving workshops.


The muffled song of the click clack, click clack of native fibres hitting one another - as the hands of our avid weavers are hard at work.


Another is in the love I feel for my children.


And just every so often I can physically see this Great Mystery as the final rays of sunshine echo across the forest at our home.


The soft glow of the oranges, reds and pinks shifting across the leaves as the wind dances farewell to the light. A precious display of grand proportions sourced from such celestial roots.


It's in these moments that I feel hope for the future and can lay down my despair at the story of humanity.


It's in these moments that I can connect my breath, my sight, my hearing, my heart and soul.


It’s in these moments that I can find the innocence of life again.


The simplicity of breathing deep and feeling joy, passion and power. 


It’s in these moments that I can understand in my own small world what it means to truly be connected to country. To feel a deep sense of belonging in these times of great change and tumult.


It's these moments that show me how important it is that we hold firm and continue to offer our programs and hold open the doorway for others into the power of Deep Nature Connection.


I deeply appreciate you reading this.


I would love to hear where this email takes you and how your relationship to this mysterious force has evolved in these times of great change.


What have you been noticing?

I know you do notice similar things.

You wouldn't be reading this if you didn't.


In Sacred Connection,



P.S. Yes! We will be getting links out for all our future programs very soon.

Starting with our men’s and women’s online journey, which will kick off on the 23rd November, 2020 (click here to join the waiting list).


Kate Rydge

Nature Philosophy Co - Founder



Nature Philosophy