It never fails. And it happened AGAIN…

Nature ONE just happened and AGAIN took our small tribe of humans deep into the truth and magic of Nature Connection. 

We touched on a truth that is more stable and solid than any current cultural story that fuels disconnection and fear. 

I felt like my heart broke open witnessing the journey of these courageous humans as they dropped, day by day into the joys of an alive and active body connection to nature.

At the final ceremony we all held hands, sang and gazed captivated at the ceremonial fire.

It felt like the power of the fire held our hearts in a collective grief and celebration of our ancient earth roots. 

On returning home from such an epic Nature ONE I was left with a powerful impression of what it takes to experience humanity at its peak. 

Even in the modern day we have the power to create it - tribal connections, sustainable systems and living united, heart to heart as we strive to simply be the most authentic and empowered versions of ourselves we can muster.

So simple and yet so powerful.

Thank you to everyone who shared the journey with us…

We see you!

Our next adventure into the deeper mysteries of the human soul begins this Saturday when a thriving group of 30+ Vision Questers arrive at Glenreagh!

To make it to the Vision Quest you have to be truly called on a soul level to seek your personal truth and life purpose through direct contact with Earth Mother.

In so many ways the Vision Quest is a ceremonial dance between the heart of the human and the Source of all life - Wild Nature.

Walking away from all that is familiar in your day to day life to participate in the Vision Quest takes real guts!

So, if you feel called to send it, we would love you to offer your energetic support to our Vision Quest group as they enter their 4 day/night Vision Quest Ceremony at dawn this coming Monday.

Thank you!

We will be sure to be in touch after the Vision Quest to share their story with you.

In the mean time if you haven't already joined you can expect to hear from us about another magical way you can empower your connection to nature - the upcoming 7 Day Sit Spot Challenge!

Registrations for the Challenge are NOW officially open and the Challenge beings, Thursday 17th Sept.

We would love to be in connection with you through this journey.

Thanks again for being a part of our online tribe.

Here's to all of us getting out into nature this weekend to empower what is true, right and real in our world.

In Connection,


Kate Rydge, Nature Philosophy Founder

📸 Thank you Anna Greer for the beautiful photo below.


P.S. To find out more about the 7 Day Sit Spot Challenge and join the tribe just click here…

P.P.S. In case you were wondering - every event we are currently holding is COVID Safe and operating within the NSW Health Protocols.

We have combed through the legal requirements for holding events and are grateful to have the ability to offer our amazing programs, safely within the parameters of the current restrictions.

Nature Philosophy